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(Mignonette family)


70 species in 6 genera are chiefly found in the Mediterranean region but also from Europe to central Asia and India and in southern Africa and California. The family is botanically related to Cruciferae and Cleomaceae which yield mustard oils.

[Summary yet to be added]


60 species are found in Europe and from the Mediterranean region to central Asia. R. lutea (dyer's weed) yields a yellow dye.

Reseda odorata L.
[syn. Reseda neilgherrensis Müll.Arg.]
Mignonette, Sweet Reseda

The plant has rubefacient properties (Burkill 1935). This plant and also R. lutea, R. luteola, and R. alba contain thioglucosides from which irritant "mustard oils" (isothiocyanates) are derived (Kjær 1960). Allergenicity of the plants is a possibility (cf. Raphanus, fam. Cruciferae).


  • Burkill IH (1935) A Dictionary of the Economic Products of the Malay Peninsula, Vols 1 & 2. London: Crown Agents [doi] [WorldCat] [url] [url-2]
  • Kjær A (1960) Naturally derived isothiocyanates (mustard oils) and their parent glucosides. In: Zechmeister L (Ed.) Fortschritte der Chemie Organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products / Progrés dans la Chimie des Substances Organiques Naturelles, Vol. 18, pp. 122-176. Vienna: Springer-Verlag [doi] [WorldCat] [url]

Richard J. Schmidt

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